Women’s Ministry Event: Simplify Your Life Sundae

June 23, 2024

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Date: June 23

Time: 4-6 PM

Please join us for yummy Ice cream sundaes and your choice of 2 workshops. This is a great outreach opportunity as each workshop will include scripture and biblical principals. Tickets are $5.00 and go on sale May 19-June 16 or until sold out. Available online and at the Women’s Ministry kiosk near the Connect Center.

  • Speaker : Courtney Moore
  • Stack Your Freezer ( How to’s of freezer meals)-Melayne Jarnigan
  • Stay Safe( Self defense tips)- Marilyn Lunsford
  • Tech Savvy( Iphone helps)-Laura Powell
  • Succinctly Studying the Scriptures ( SAY Method on studying the Word)-Kathy Fewell

**Childcare is available, but you must sign up by June 16.**

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